What happens when a Ford dealership is in the top five in the region for customer satisfaction year after year?
They receive the President’s Award . . . year after year.
That’s right, Bismarck-Mandan drivers — Eide Ford did it again. We have received the President’s Award for the fifth consecutive year, thanks to both our loyal customers and our dedicated team.
The President’s Award, which is given to the top five of more than 300 Ford dealerships in our region, hinges largely on customer satisfaction. Drivers from all over North Dakota trust our award-winning sales team time and time again to purchase their new or pre-owned vehicles.
“Getting this award for one year of work is huge,” says General Sales Manager Jesse Schuchard. “It is a very prestigious award from Ford based on customer service and sales. Receiving this award for the 5th year in a row is just a tremendous accomplishment. It takes people that are very dedicated to taking care of our customers — whether they are here to buy a new vehicle, service their current vehicle, or get accessories or parts.”
That means it doesn’t only matter how many vehicles we sell. Our sales could be off the charts, but our customers must be extremely satisfied in order for our dealership to be recognized among others.
See for yourself! Here are some of our most recent reviews from local Eide Ford customers:
Aw, we’re blushing. Our customers truly are the best. (If you haven’t taken time to leave a review yourself, please do!)
Jesse says that everyone on staff at Eide Ford tries to put themselves in the customer’s position.
“We visit with each customer to see how their visit was and what we can do better in the future,” Jesse says. “We introduce each customer to our service department so that when they come back, they have a familiar setting.”
Also, keep in mind that Eide Ford serves a largely rural population. Many Ford dealerships in our region have the opportunity to sell to the masses — like in Minneapolis, for example. Yet here in Bismarck-Mandan, we’re showing those “big city dealers” what it takes to win this prestigious award again and again. That’s something to be proud of, North Dakota!
There were some huge highlights in 2019, including Deno Muller receiving Grand Master status (again!) and Fran Martin becoming the first female to win the award.
For 2020, our goals remain pretty consistent. Of course, we hope to receive the President’s Award for the sixth year in a row in 2020!
“I’d really like to see Deno hit Grand Master again and have someone new join him in those ranks with Fran being promoted to one of our Corporate Training positions,” Jesse says.
Along with those goals, Jesse also highlights our Eide Ford service department.
“We have an outstanding service department,” he says. “I would like to see another Senior Master Technician this year, as well. We currently have eight Senior Master Technicians, which is the highest rank!
Jesse says the President’s Award is a team effort; not just a “sales award,” but an award for all-around service to our loyal customer base.
“We just have extraordinary people taking care of extraordinary customers,” Jesse says. “It really is amazing to see our people setting the standard in the industry and customers who love working with us. Thank you!”
If you’ll be getting a different vehicle in 2020, you can count on Eide Ford to provide a time-saving, hassle-free, fair-price car-buying experience. See for yourself why Ford Motor Company has named us the best of the best five years and counting!