There are a lot of moving parts at any business, and it takes a lot of hard work from different teams to keep a dealership in Bismarck running.
One team that is integral to any dealership is the accounting team. At Eide Ford, the team consists of Carrie Edison, Amy Thompson and Kim Faller.
“We do a lot of the behind the scenes things to keep the dealership running,” Thompson said. “We make sure the numbers match up, make sure we’re paying the bills and making sure everyone who works here gets paid.”
Thompson manages the receptionists and also works with accounts receivable. She’s been with Eide Ford for more than five years and likes the people she works with and the routine of the job.
“There are some things that are different every day, but there are tasks that you have to do every day, and I like the routine.”
Being on the accounting team requires attention to detail, time management skills and a lot of patience, according to Edison. She works with accounts payable and makes sure bills are paid for the dealership, as well as handing titling and registration.
“It can be routine but you can have different things come up that keeps things interesting,” she said. “I do like the titling and registration, because there’s a lot of aspects of that that you have to deal with, and it helps to have so many years of experience to handle that.”
Edison has been with Eide Ford for 25 years, and she said things have definitely changed over the years. For one thing, the volume of invoices and workload the department has to deal with has steadily increased over the years, which she credits to the success of the business in both the sales and service departments.
“I think we all adapt well to get it all done,” she said.
For anyone looking at a career on the accounting team at a dealership, both Edison and Thompson have some tips.
“You have to like numbers and like figuring things out. And have patience!” Thompson said.
Edison seconds Thompson’s call for patience. “There’s a lot to learn,” she said. “Don’t worry that you don’t get everything right away. It’s not like any other kind of business. Working for a car dealer is different, and it takes time to take it in. Just be organized and be detailed. You’ll get it.”
And if you work at a dealership, you have to have an opinion about what car you want next.
“The Ford Edge is maybe my next car. I like it,” Thompson said.
“I have a new Explorer I like, but I wouldn’t mind checking out the new full-size Broncos when we get them in,” Edison said.
If you have your eye on getting a new Ford in Bismarck, our team can help you get it — whether it’s on our lot or you want to order it exactly how you want.
Considering upgrading to something newer than what you currently have? Check out the used vehicles on our lot and see what you can get for your trade in.