Our employee of the month for October 2021 has been with us for quite some time, and is quite deserving of this honor.
Randy Laframboise has been with Eide Ford for almost 8 years, and has enjoyed working with cars his whole life.
When asked about how he got to be a service technician, Randy said “I learned young, and have been doing this my whole life. I tried other things, but never enjoyed anything else, and always came back to cars.”
Randy loves to work at Eide Ford, because of the people. “They’re all down to earth, and make it the best place I’ve ever worked.”
One of Randy’s strengths is that he likes to teach. He loves to work with the other technicians and help them grow, and this creates a fun and friendly work environment for all of the employees.
During his free time, Randy spends all of his time with his two babies!
We asked Chad Myrvik, the service manager at Eide Ford, to share about why Randy is such a valued employee. “Randy is one of our top producing technicians every day of the year. He comes in on his days off, to help out the other guys, and finish other projects. He is one of our most reliable technicians, and will always do anything asked of him.”
Thank you Randy, for all that you do for our Eide Ford customers, and congratulations on being selected as Eide Ford’s Employee of the Month!