Congratulations to Ethan Vallie! He’s a finance assistant here at Eide Ford and he recently received a $1,500 scholarship from the Automobile Dealers Association of North Dakota, with $500 of the award contributed by Eide Ford.
The purpose of this scholarship is to assist in training and advancement of employees who work at a North Dakota auto dealership. We’re thrilled that Ethan was chosen for this scholarship!
Ethan is currently going to school at Bismarck State College for business management and administration, and we’re excited to support him as he continues to become a qualified and valuable member of the Eide team.
Ethan joined the Eide team in August 2018 as a delivery coordinator, but it wasn’t long before he moved into the finance department as a finance assistant.
“We transitioned Ethan into the finance department to give him more responsibility,” says Jesse Schuchard, General Sales Manager. “It’s a lot more difficult than it sounds. He’s got a lot on his plate juggling working here and going to school, and he does a good job. He qualified for the scholarship, so we pushed to make it happen.”
“It means a lot to receive this because I pay for my own schooling, so it takes some of the stress off of that,” Ethan says. “I can focus more on my grades and not have to work quite as many hours. It’s nice to have the ability to be a little more flexible with school and work.”
Ethan adds that it means a lot to him the dealership he works for sponsored him for the scholarship.
“I’ve never been presented with anything like that before,” he says. “I’m thankful to Jesse for nominating me.”
Jesse adds that programs like this are a testament to Eide’s belief in taking good care of the employees — something he noticed when he joined the Eide team in 2012.
“The first thing I noticed — more than at any company I had ever worked for — was that Eide really values the employees and takes care of them in every place of the organization,” Jesse says.
And of course, the employee satisfaction that Eide strives for extends all the way to the customer.
“When you take care of your employees by offering opportunities such as this scholarship,” Jesse says, “that affects the customer. When your employee is happy and values their work, the customer then has a positive experience with that happy employee.”
While Ethan’s currently studying right here in Bismarck, he plans to complete his degree online through Dickinson State University. And, paired with the real-life experience he’s getting at Eide Ford, we’re hoping he’ll find the path that’s exactly right for him.
“I’m thinking about staying in the auto industry,” he says. “I’m not sure yet!”
When Ethan’s not at Eide Ford or behind the books, he’s spending his summer like many North Dakotans — soaking in the sun on his pontoon and spending time with friends.
We’re excited for you, Ethan! Thanks for being a valuable part of the Eide team.